The Malaysia Landscape Architecture
Assalamualaikum... So,hari, it's about arkitek landskap... actly ini post untuk kawan2 yang nak lanjut stdy diorang dalam course ini kt UPM selama 4 tahun 6t... So, i want to give some introduction about thatz!!! da Landscape Achitecture profesion in Malaysia was intially formed under the name Angkatan Langsakp Arkitek Malaysia (ALAM) .... On 24 September 1984 headed by Mr. Darwin Chaniago as the president with the pioneer team of 9 members from various professional,semi professional,students and private individuals who shared the passion of landscape..... With the new elected 'mr Pres".... Y. Bhg. Dato' Dr Mohamed Ishak B. Haji Mohamed Ariff,ALA M increased its membership drive and reached the number of 34 registered members by the end of july 1986.... ALAM was represented by various professions and private individuals. With the increasing number of graduates from the Landscape Architecture degree course from Malaysia and abroad, there was a need to move the associati...